I did most of the household chores today. This morning after I picked up squash flowers, string beans and tomatoes I cooked our lunch. Then I cleaned and washed the squash flowers, cut the string beans and put them on the freezer. After that I had to wash the dirty dishes that I wasn't able to do last night because I got lazy. While I was cooking I loaded the dirty clothes in the washer and took out the clothes from the dryer. Oh my, I had to fold them too and put in the cabinet. How I wish I'm in the Philippines now so I can have somebody to help me do all these chores. My hubby came home for lunch and we ate together. After he left for work I had to clean the house too. Then I had to cook the string beans for our supper and made some vegetable salad too. Geesh! I'm like a superwoman doing a lot of things. I just pray to God to give me more strength everyday so I can tackle my everyday tasks.
Top Benefits of Owning a Horse
5 years ago
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