Having a credit card has it's disadvantages and advantages. One disadvantage is that if you don't use it wisely, you will be in debt and will have a bad credit history. On the other hand having a credit card has more advantages though like you can use it for emergency purposes like buying something that you really need and you don't have cash on hand to buy it. That's the time that credit card become so useful. Rather than borrow money from other people, just use your credit card. If you're planning to apply for a credit card and you're from Australia, you need to check this website wherein you can Compare Credit Cards. They give Australian users the ability to search, compare and apply for credit cards online. You are able to browse by type, features, fees and interest charges. Their comparison chart is a comprehensive list of all cards available in Australia. This site is Australia's leading reviewer of credit cards. So check it out.
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5 years ago
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